
Friday 22 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 9

Another "catch up" due to travel but things WILL, settle down now, as we've reached Galveston and our "home" for the next 11 nights. It's quite a place...and a bargain...of course!

Anyway back to Wednesday morning. I'd slipped up by not checking the alerts late on Tuesday. I HAD heard that a TOWNEND'S WARBLER had been seen and assumed (never do that) it had been seen at the Convention Centre. Wrong! Incredibly, after the PAINTED REDSTART discovery down a residential street, this bird had also been discovered in similar circumstances. Top find by someone? I started at the CC and waited for news as there were plenty of new arrivals there including my first Swainson's Thrush lurking in the shadows...

Yet another Warbler sp had arrived...this time a Chestnut-sided...

It was extremely lively and the light was very poor, due to thick cloud but at least I managed a couple of record shots. A super bird.

News than came through by email alert that the TW was still present! Using the indispensable (in SO many ways) eBird I was at the spot in 5 minutes...just as some Birders were disappearing round the corner...

I got out of the car, raised the bins and the bird was flying directly towards me (a memorable moment), its facial markings standing out clear in the sunlight. It landed in a Palm behind me and took time to take a peek at me...

Yet another stunner

I was obviously elated at my good fortune. This was a top bird, as it should be in the Mountains of the West. Only my second record for Texas (third ABA - Arizona sighting) after a bird in the Davis Mnts in April 2006. A massive bonus to end my stay on SPI. My first White-tailed Hawk from the car as we left the area put the cherry on the top.

We drove North to Rockport just North of the City of Corpus Christi. A SOOTY TERN had been present there. It was a returning bird. Apparently there was a pair previously but sadly only one now. This would be a double whammy for yours truly having never seen this species in the ABA area. Despite intensive searching for a couple of hours I couldn't find it. A nice drink and meal at an Irish bar dimmed the pain somewhat...

Maybe tomorrow?

Trip Total...149 species

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