
Friday 22 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 10

Guess where I was at dawn. Yep...back to Rockport Beach Park...and another 10 dollars lighter...hopefully it would be worth was...

The Tern was in the exact spot reported by many on...eBird. It must have gone for a stretch yesterday. A great know how it is right? Why it's chosen to be in the middle of a deafening Laughing Gull colony is beyond me...but there you go!

Yet again overcast conditions windy and early (7.25) but the camera did well...

After packing we left for Galveston via Hazel Bazemore Park near Corpus Christi. A possible error was made here. Whilst heading North a KELP GULL was found at Brownsville Dump (I've took her to dumps before!! Due to time issues, distances and Wife considerations, we continued North and I can honestly say I was fine with this. Besides a SOOTY TERN is far smarted than a Gull! Apologies to any Larophiles out there. 

I had one more target and it would be my last chance, as we were around the Northern limit of its range here. A clue being I'd seen the other two? We arrived at the small park (by American standards) and I was pleased to discover there was only one apparent pool there. I bumped into a local Bird group who confirmed my target bird frequented the pond. I set my scope up on the observation deck...

while Louise did some puzzles in the traditional holiday edition...

I put a time limit of 2 hours here as we had a 4 hour drive in front of us. After around 30 minutes...success as the bird flew in and perched VERY distantly. On the List! I wanted more though (don't we always?).

I decide to have a drive round to the road on the other side of the Pond. I parked and waited...and waited...

I'm getting boring (if I'm not already) BUT this was definitely another highlight of the trip! A last gasp result.

5 minutes at a picnic spot produced Golden-fronted Woodpecker...

...and Great Kiskadee nest building...

I tried to turn a Northern Cardinal into a Pyrrhuloxia but alas, I couldn't! We drove North and arrived at our place at 7pm. Again we're VERY pleased with the accommodation. We have 11 nights here, which gives us plenty of time to enjoy our favourite Island and the surrounding Bird-filled area. Bring it on.

We're off to the Bolivar Peninsular and the legendary High Island tomorrow (Friday) and I have the chance of another 2 Texas ticks in the form of Iceland Gull! (never thought I'd write that) and Wood Stork (a bird that's scarce in Spring but common in Autumn).

Trip Total...151 species

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