
Tuesday 15 March 2022


A message from Phil yesterday afternoon informing me he was going to call in at Wykeham Raptor Watchpoint this morning on his way back from the NE, initially fell on deaf ears as I recalled my previous failures here. After chewing it over for a while and remembering my current mantra, I decided to give it a go. The forecast was good (for what its worth). 

After scraping the ice of the windscreen I left home at 7.15, arriving at the car park at Wykeham at 9. Phil hadn't arrived yet so I made my way down to the viewpoint. On arrival a Woodcock blasted out of the undergrowth. Maybe a good omen?

Phil arrived shortly afterwards and we set out stall out. We were the only ones present, it was still, bright but cold...

An extremely tame Robin entertained us throughout our 4 hour vigil and helped lessen the boredom as we failed to connect with the elusive Goshawk. Plenty of distant Buzzards, some giving acrobatic displays.

Other birds around the Watchpoint included Siskin, Coal Tit and Bullfinch. The best was yet to come though. No, not a Raptor but a species that would definitely qualify for my Mantra (or is it mouthful)..."quality species I haven't seen for quite some time"...

The distinctive silhouette of a Crossbill

One flew slightly closer...

A few more hopefuls had arrived by 11 and one of them noticed a bird behind us which showed fairly well...

So I still ended up seeing something...decent. Not a species you can expect to see on your average day.

I gave Phil directions to the Smew and he connected on his way home.

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