
Monday 14 March 2022

Spring has Sprung! least for today!

I covered some distance today (c4 miles) on a fantastic morning. It started well, very well!! I was going to head South but changed my mind when I saw my mate coming towards me, so I met him for a chat. As he headed back North I spotted something "interesting" on the baked plough? A quick look through the bins revealed a...Black Redstart (P.87, H.70)!!!  Only my 5th record for the Village. As I raised my camera it flew and dropped over the Cliff. I waited around 15 minutes but the bird didn't re-appear. I walked further North checking the Cliff face as I went (not too close).past the 1st pill I picked it up again but it saw me first and continued North. This happened once more then it was seen no more, despite extensive searching back along the beach to Holmpton...and a swim for my mate...

...then North to Intack (the Northern end of my Patch). On the way a lone Gull turned out to be my first LBB (P.88, H,71) of the Year...

A smart Gull

...a Ringed Plover was also present. Meadow Pipits (P.89, H.72) had arrived in force and were parachuting all along the journey. Skylarks (c30) were also heralding the improved weather.

View North from Holmpton...

Llama Farm...


North to Intack showing the significant erosion since the new defences at Withernsea were completed...

I bumped into a chap who was doing some surveying of the Cliffs with that very purpose in mind. I had an interesting 30 minutes chat with him. Took me back to my Geology A level days! 

Still no sign of the Black Redstart on my return journey but I was chuffed to pick out a lone diminutive Drake Teal (H.73) on the vast expanse of sea...

A great 4 hours.

32 species

Just found an image I took with the trusty camera at Watton. Could have been worse...

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