
Wednesday 9 March 2022

LSW - Third Time Lucky

Had a non-Covid Virus for the past week which took the wind out of my sails. However, news of another Site for Lesser-spotted Woodpecker perked me up though and this morning I left at 5 for Sherwood Forest. I arrived at 7 were Phil was waiting in a lay-by. We walked the short distance to the Major Oak area...

A new sight for me

I'd been sent some information off Gary Dayes (cheers pal) which included a map and a photo of the specific tree a pair had been frequenting a few days previous...

This could be it!

We could hear drumming coming from different areas and one seemed diagnostic of a Lesser...but we couldn't pick it out. Another Birder appeared and confirmed the bird we had heard was a Lesser as he'd seen it from the next path! We decided to walk this path and check out some trees in that area. As we were returning to our original position the drumming started again and this time I picked it out at the very top of a mature Oak. It didn't linger and unfortunately Phil couldn't get on it.

Still nothing from the "stake out" tree. Another chap arrived asking us for "the latest". After a short chat he informed us a Tawny owl was showing in it's roost tree. He kindly offered to show us. Within 2 minutes we'd connected...

We could now hear drumming in the immediate area...VERY close to the path. After a couple of minutes I found it (8.22)! I grabbed this shot before it disappeared around the back of a branch...

The light was poor but who cares?! 

Fortunately it showed itself briefly before departing...

It was also nice to have some flight views of this diminutive species. Success!#

Other species on offer included Nuthatch...


and Treecreeper...

As well as the success with the Bird it was a wonderful spot to spend 3 hours...

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