
Thursday 10 March 2022

A First for Yorkshire!

Don't get too excited...I'm referring to a Site not a Bird! I've been to most spots in Yorkshire over the past 36 Years...but not this one.

This morning found me at Watton NR immediately West of the temporarily closed Top Hill Low NR. After some initial access issues (and dodging a few Horses) I made my way North along the West side of the Barmston Drain. As I approached the water (you've GOT to love Google Maps) I could fortunately get decent views across the open water. There were a decent amount of of Wildfowl present including some smart male Goldeneye (my target was associating with them 2 days previous). A lovely male Marsh Harrier made a few passes which helped me check all the birds!

You've probably figured out by now my quarry was the "White Nun" (strange name for a male bird). I must admit my optimism took a dint before I set off when one was reported from Hornsea Mere? However, I wanted to satisfy my curiosity concerning this site and maybe, just maybe it was a different bird?! 

Anyway, I gave it an hour and the bird didn't appear. A nice spot though...

I toyed with the idea of popping in at Swine Moor on the way back...but I didn't!

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