
Tuesday 22 March 2022

Elite Songster

Tesco car park produced my first singing Blackbird yesterday! Absolute power just over the fence fence from my cat. Deep, full and fluty. Superb...

When I hear the first it always reminds me of the ones that used to sing from my Mother's house when I was a lad. I was impressed then.

VERY quiet along the Coast at the moment although Jane from With' had a Red Kite early afternoon. I'd spent a good couple of hours there late morning. Ah well. This dapper Pied Wagtail was nice though...

Much more "Birdy" activity around the lanes now as Spring develops in this fine spell of weather were enjoying. Richard had a Brambling and some Siskins on his feeders. 

I feel another trip to Duff could be in order tomorrow to meet Haydn for a catch up...and maybe a Garganey?

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