
Thursday 24 March 2022

Carrs and Coast

Arrived at Duff for 7.30 to thick Mist! I had a walk round the car park and adjacent footpath and could hear Chiffchaffs. I gathered my gear and headed for the Geoff Smith Hide hoping the mist would lift fairly quickly in the strengthening did...slowly!

Had a quick play through with the phonescope device. No bad at 100yds through the mist...

After an hour or so the mist had gone and I headed down to Garganey Hide for the...yeah right! Haydn said he'd be with me around 10 and I was hopping to say I'd connected by then. Alas, I didn't, it was great to see him though. We chewed the fat for 3 hours but it wasn't to be. I remained till 2 but still no joy. Disappointing.

It was a fantastic day though and the Carrs looked a picture with plenty of shallow water and Wildfowl. Pintail is a one of many special species present here. A three figure total (c120) was present...

A few Ruff were about and on occasion landed on the Bund (7)...

Another special species on the reserve

Haydn counted 7 Reed Buntings around the ditch in front of the Hide...

There were also 5 Little Egrets in view which was a record count for me. How times change!

I'd seen a couple of Marsh Harriers in the distance through the mist early now appeared much closer and headed our way...

We were treated to a couple of fly-bys...

We then had a bonus when the bird landed in the reeds some 40 yds from the Hide...

Views of this species are usually distant so this was a real treat. So, no luck this time BUT I'll be back early Sunday on my way to see my Mother on her special day.

New birds for the Year were Red-legged Partridge, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Little Egret and Goldfinch.

Plenty of marching along the Coast but still no Wheatear or Sand Martin...