
Tuesday 21 December 2021

Feeding Time

The Station is fully stocked now and I intend to keep it that way. No excuses these days. Already I've had a Coal Tit (which I've never seen around the Village), 3 Tree Sparrows and 5 Goldfinches amongst the usual suspects...late update 7 Long-tailed Tits at 3.30pm. Easy Birding close to home. I've also just heard a Tawny Owl (2.10pm) from the lounge and I've seen Barn Owl the last two trips along Snakey, early evening. Fortunate indeed.

The BELTED KINGFISHER has given itself up on the shortest day, which is a great early Christmas present for some who are late to the party. It doesn't diminish our escapade, although I may have another peep if it lingers into the New Year.

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