
Sunday 19 December 2021

A Couple of Things

As the Year draws to a close, a "couple of things" spring to mind. Firstly, my traditional Review of the Year which I will give the attention it deserves. Inevitably much debate on Bird of the Year; I obviously have my own opinion and will be sharing it presently. A clue for me is..."Year". The BELTED KINGFISHER is still being reported from ever-widening locations. I can't help feel this record is being somewhat undervalued? It's an elite status rarity in my book and having missed the 2005 bird while ironically being in Texas (watching one as the news broke!!!) it has special significance for me.

I also aim to my version of a Christmas Bird Count of my Village and Patch. I like to put it down in writing so it commits me to it. When is another matter, as I have my son Robert here at the moment from Dubai and I intend to have some quality time with him. 

I've just stocked my feeders and already have Tree Sparrows (4) in attendance. I also had some Winter Thrushes on Snakey yesterday as I drove along, they looked like Fieldfares at a glance. The striking pale Buzzard is still about but infrequent.

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