
Friday 22 October 2021

Scilly 2021- Day 8

Today ended up being a truly great day...and I mean that most sincerely folks!

I was up at 7 and heading for the Golf Course. A long shot I know but there was a samll chance the Hoopoe would return before the Golfers emerged. I made my way around the Coastal path thinking I may be able to see some of the course on my way. I couldn't. It also took longer than anticipated which gave me a 30 minute window for the bird to appear. The appearance of the groundsman with the mower more or less finished my chances! I returned to our flat for 9.30 to help sort our stuff out before we moved on to our second accomodation just down the road. As we left our luggage in the hallway a message at 10.03...

Hoopoe St Agnes

There was no chance of me making the 10.15 boat under the circumstances.

Time for a rest now after the 4 mile plus early hills. We sat in Porthcressa Bay for a while before having some Lunch in Town. The Hoopoe was now personal. Ther was a boat at 2pm returning at 4.30. The Boss was happy to stay on Mary's and sort the new flat out so I made my way to the Quay. The booth was closed so I asked a chap leaning on the rails which boat was for St Agnes. He turned out to be a Birder (surprise, surprise) and he had the same plan as I did. It would be a Lifer for him. We hit it off and enjoyed a good conversation on the way across. There were only 10 people on the boat.

His name was David and he was from Northamptonshire. He was an ex-language teacher like my good lady. We shared a very brief conversation regarding the National Curriculum. Once landed we headed for the area the bird was last reported, the Pereglis seemed like a good idea! 

Of course, on arrival there was no sign of it. We spotted a couple of Birders, one of which told us the bird had been seen on Wingletown Down...which was on the other side of the Island. Another yomp ensued and on arrival...yep...the bird had just flown off...again!! I said...Oh Dear!

It was now around 3.30. We decided to follow the Coastal path in the direction the bird flew...seemed like a good plan. After walking a decent distance I received another message informing me the bird was now back where we had just walked from. You're probably getting the picture by legs were.

Walking the coastal paths can be quite deceiving...I'm gaining plenty of experience on this trip. As we retraced our steps checking all the short grass areas we were hoping to see either the bird or some focussed Birders. We could see neither? It was now approaching 4.

Then...we saw a couple of chaps looking out to sea...or so we thought. They were a good 100yds away. Then David shouted...there it is!!! After a few seconds of anguish, I was long my Scilly Hoopoe...

Scilly 231

The bird was on the deck for another minute or so before yet again flying off some considerable distance. I congratulated David on his Lifer and we headed for the Quay. We arrived at 4.15 and he dived in the Turks Head and emerged with 2 halves of Tribute to celebrate our success. Nice touch.

We headed back to St Mary's glowing in our success. 

I can honestly say that today was as satisfying as any Twitch for a Rarity. To finally connect with this elusive bird on my favourite lslands after a significant effort (19 miles in the last 2 days) was just...perfect.

Trip Total  84 species

Distance travelled  65.2 miles

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