
Thursday 21 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 7

My main target today was the elusive Woodlark. I couldn't see it leaving last night in the storm! On the way we passed Parting Carn where a Water Pipit had been seen. On arrival the ploughed field was very "Birdy" with lots of Pipits present. There were also Siskins and Redwings. The birds were thankfully easy to see. After a short search I found one (3 were later reported) and we moved on via Longstones cafe for a search along Pungies Lane. Louise found a bench in the sun and I searched the Pond area and the lane. I wasn't 100% sure I was in the correct spot but the bird had been seen on a wire and there was only one crossing the lane. After a while a couple of other Birders arrived and I asked them if they had seen it previously. They told me they had and that I was indeed in the right place.

One of the chaps had his scope and after around 15 minutes he picked it out distantly in the short vegetation...much to my relief. I managed to get a brief but conclusive view for my Scilly tick (230). I thanked him sincerely.

As I returned to join Louise news came through that a Hoopoe had been seen near Giants Castle on the South of the Island. It had then flown towards Old off we went. No further news on our arrival but I wanted to hang around in case it showed up, so Louise headed back to the flat and I searched some likely spots.

News then came through it had been seen further North! It seemed to be having a tour of the Island. When I reached Longstones another update said it was now on the Golf Course!! I yomped up there to miss it by a few minutes...knackered and not happy. Time for a rest now. It WAS reported from various sites throughout the afternoon but was never in one spot for long.

I ended up back at the Golf Course hoping that it might return once the Golfers had gone. It didn't. Have to go now as we're off to the Pub. Hopefully the Hoopoe will give me another bite tomorrow?

Trip Total 82

Distance covered 55.9 miles

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