
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 5

Still humid here..and still "quiet". The moisture in the air in the Southerly wind is quite something. I'm not a fan of humidity!

Louise had a slow one today after yesterday's marathon. I headed down Peninnis ever hopeful. There were a surprising number of people down there, including hikers, dog walkers and Birders...of course.There are some amazing granite formations here...

I looked for the annual Snow Bunting but it didn't appear. I did add Kittiwake to the Trip List.

I couldn't find anything in the fields, not even a Skylark!

After lunch the weather deteriorated, so I made my way to Lower Moors hoping for better views of the 2 "specials". I detoured via the Dump Clump...

and connected briefly with the reported Spotted Flycatcher (229)...which to my delight, belatedly turned out to be a Scilly Tick! Right place, right time. I also added Goldcrest and Greenfinch.

After lunch I headed back to Lower Moors (limited options in the conditions) hoping for better views of the two specialities. This is arguably the easiest place in Britain to see these two species. The Water Rail was doing its Roadrunner impression on arrival...

The other special was far more difficult to pin down but it eventually popped out and showed distantly through the drizzle...

A blurred double

A couple of reality shots lol! The stronger markings on the Jack are still easily seen.

Trip Total 80

Distance 36.8 miles

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