
Monday 18 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 4

I can safely say the weather "broke" today! Heavy overnight rain followed by heavy mist in sultry conditions pushing 100% humidity.

Louise didn't fancy it lol! I treated her with her Birthday presents then headed for Lower Moors as the rain started again. I positioned myself by the blind at the ISBG hide hoping for the annual Jack Snipe and Water Rail. I succeeded with the latter...

Through the mist, drizzle and reeds

I also saw my first Swallow over Lower Moors after checking out Old Town Churchyard where I passed Harold Wilson's grave...

His wife Mary reached 102!

After lunch she joined me for the afternoon walk as it had brightened up. The best bird available on St Mary's was a Red-backed Shrike East of Watermill. This meant a walk right across the middle of the Island. We made steady progress and I added Great Tit to the trip list. More Siskins were seen.

On reaching the Cove (a site I'd been 2 days earlier) we headed East along the Coastal path. I told Louise to wait while I looked over the next hill. Sure enough I could see a small group of Birders. She found a bench to read and I carried on. Fortunately the bird was showing on my arrival, albeit distantly...

We returned via Longstones and just made it for a Brew before they closed. A check of the news revealed a Portuguese man o' war was on Porth Hellick beach!

I asked Louise if she fancied going to see it? She said she did, so off we went...

Amazing creature

Our best exercise day so far...

Trip List 75

Distance covered 31.1 Miles

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