
Monday 25 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 11

This morning found us heading out to Peninnis Head on yet another glorious, fresh, sunny morning. Maybe a Ring Ouzel or merely a Skylark for the Trip wasn't to be. This Wren gave itself away eventually...

...while we enjoyed the view over to St Agnes...

We walked round the Headland and into Old Town Bay but not before enjoying Puplit Rock...

...and the approach of the Scillonian...FROM LAND...

This little chap appeared out of the grass whilst we were watching...


Another form of transport was also present...

We had 30 minutes on a bench in the Churchyard where I was entertained by a few Phylosscs. Nothing unusual, unfortunately.

After lunch Louise decided to take it easy while I headed for the I wasn't going home! On arrival the hoped for Whinchats were showing well...

...and gone!

On leaving, I passed Parting Carn and yet again enjoyed views of a Water Pipit...

News of a Hawfinch near Content Farm tempted me to make another yomp North to Telegraph. I was passing the site of the RB Fly but I didn't deviate from my original quest. As I was walking up the road I bumped into Mark Halliday and his Wife. It was great to renew aquaintances after 12 months. On arrival at the site Scott Reid was present, again it was good to see him again. He said the bird hadn't been seen for a while and he had to leave. A few Birders came and went before Paul Freestone appeared. I was bumping into eveyone today! He stayed a short while before moving on and there was still no sign of the bird in the small hawthorn...

As you can see, there was hope as all the leaves had gone but there were plenty of berries. Hawfinches tend to be loyal to food sources, so I was still fairly confident it would return. It took an hour...

It was always obscured at the back of the was there...


I did try for the RB Fly on my way back but the cloud had increased making the light poor. I had a couple of typical unsatisfactory glimpses before I left for Hugh Town

Trip Total   95 species

Distance covered   82.6 miles 

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