
Sunday 24 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 10

Up before dawn and down to Parting Carn, which is undoubtedly the "birdiest" field on St Mary's. I spent a very pleasant 90 minutes on a quiet Sunday morning scoping the birds in the plough. Plenty of Chaffinches and Meadow Pipits to sift through. I eventually picked out my first Brambling of the trip. I counted 18 Redwings among the resident Song Thrushes plus a couple of Black Redstarts. A sprinkling of Siskins (c30) were also present. An excellent session indeed!

After returning for the bacon sarnies we headed for Porth Mellion Beach were a Snow Bunting had been reported. I'd had a quick glance on my way back for breakfast and saw a group down the far end. There was no-one present now, so we slowly strolled the length of the beach on another glorious Sunday...

We couldn't find the little gem but as we started to climb back onto the road we both looked up to see the bird flying East towards the Golf Course, calling. Lucky and different to see the bird in flight on the Islands.

After finally making it to the area were an Olive-backed Pipit had been reported near Old Town, I searched a solo search for a while but unsurprisingly couldn't locate the bird.

We returned via Parting Carn and I managed decent views of a Water Pipit. News of a Red-breasted Flycatcher at Rocky Hills tempted me to detour on our way back...for the match! I got the usual brief, flashing view of the bird in a less than conducive atmosphere, if you get my drift.

I write this as Liverpool lead 5-0 at Old Trafford!!! We're off to the Atlantic tonight so I'll add a few more pics tomorrow...maybe of a MEGA lol! Hope springs eternal...

Trip Total  92 species

Distance covered   75 miles