
Saturday 18 September 2021

Shetland Day 1 - Landed

36 hours on the go. No sleep on the Ferry which wasn't a surprise and a reasonably steady day around Lerwick then down to Sumburgh.

I spent the first couple of hours around the harbour searching for the reported Glaucous Gull without any luck. I did see some "good birds" though including around 30 Black Guillimots some at extremely close range...


12 Eiders were also present...

The big surprise was a cronking Raven on a lamp post in the middle of the warehouses...


Hooded Crows were also present.

After the inevitable Fish and Chips for lunch I drove a short distance South to Gulberwick as a Wryneck had been reported. An impressive little Village with a spectacular view...

No sign of the bird, partly due to no detail given of which area it had been seen within the decent sized Village? I did meet some other Birders though. There was a lady from Aberdeen (who sounded Welsh) and a couple from the Settle area (Gordon and Pauline) who were regular Autumn visitors. They helped set me up on the Shetland WhatsApp group...many thanks. I've a feeling I'll be seeing them again during the week...I hope so!

It was 3pm now and I wasn't sure how much more driving to do before I headed for my digs. As usual I carried on in "trip mode". A Greenish Warbler update had me heading for the Southern tip of the Mainland and into the Sumburgh Hotel car park. There were around 15 birders present and it became immediately obvious that it was OK to be there. There was quite a lot of movement amongst the group so I decided to watch from my car. I had a decent view...

The usual Sycamores were an obvious attraction but one lady I asked said the bird had been seen on the Hotel roof!!! Eventually it gave itself away and I managed a record shot of this typically lively and elusive bird...

Chuffed with this one to be honest!

A Peregrine was also seen well.

Last stop before I returned North was Grutness Beach near the Airport. an unusual hybrid had been seen there; a cross between a Redstart and a Whinchat...apparently! Again I didn't have precise directions and I drew a blank. A added a few waders to the Trip List though...namely Redshank, Sanderling, Ringed Plover and Curlew. A few late Swallows were also around plus at least 6 Wheatears...

Autumn Adult Male

Never tire of these beauties...

Forecast poor for tomorrow...could be good for birds though?

My digs are superb with a fine view over a Loch, definitely a room with a view...


Trip List 27

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