
Friday 17 September 2021

I'm on!

An uncomfortable start after a generous lift in to Hull. After getting my tickets from the machine I made my way to Platform 3 to discover my 9.52 train to York was... delayed!!

I had a 45 minute window to get to York for my train to Aberdeen at 11.55. Not ideal, especially when there was no time given on the delay. A tense wait before my replacement crept in at 10.25. It was going to be tight with a scheduled 70 minute journey. Thankfully the stress was eased greatly when it was announced the train would go directly to stops. I got there at a comfortable 11.30. FULL marks to Northern Rail.

A direct inter-city from York to Aberdeen had me heading for the Ferry at 5.15. Straight on for a meal...

...and some fresh air before dusk...

Leaving Aberdeen

More tomorrow, as the wi-fi isn't the best...


  1. I'm sure you don't need Izzy Whitearse for your Spurn list?!

  2. Hi Tim, No, I've seen a couple there before...thankfully!
