
Sunday 1 August 2021

Sport and Reflection

As already stated I've been thoroughly wrapped up in the Olympics...hence the lack of posts. Never been one for posting for postings sake...believe it or not! Loving the drama and emotion. Some superb performances and personal stories. Far better than the Euros for me. If only England had played with the same positivity and bravery? The Final was frankly woeful.

Having said all that, I have been looking for birds as always...just not seeing much. I did have a nice flock of Swifts (20) in the field opposite the Cottage yesterday, no doubt brought "down" by a thunderstorm. I have a few "irons in the fire" concerning future excursions, including a possible deviation from long-held preferences. A clue being a new Continent...circumstances permitting of course.

With the prospect of improved seawatching and early returning migrants things should hopefully pick up next week...and then there's a certain ALBATROSS still "up the road"!!!

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