
Wednesday 28 July 2021

Time for a breather

Firstly, just a quick but sincere thank you for the kind comments I've received regarding my latest ALBATROSS (still present) post.  They are very much appreciated.

A family weekend, Olympic viewing and thunderstorms has meant Birding has been limited the past few days.

Anyway, yesterday the Bud walk saw us heading South from the Sewage to the Llama Farm. Unsurprisingly there were plenty of juvenile birds around. A large flock of House Sparrows c200 were all over the now defunct Sewage Works ( a new one has been built at Hollym). It also became apparent that Yellow Wagtails were having a good breeding season with c20 youngsters present.

Plenty of hirundines about still with House Martins still repairing their nests and Sand Martins scattered along the cliff with c150 at Old Hive. Nice to relax...sometimes!

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