
Monday 12 July 2021

The England Football Team

Just my personal view on the Euros...feel free to move on!

I love Football, when played attractively and positively and I have fortunately lived in an epoch which has allowed me to watch and remember us winning the World Cup in 66. I was nine. I also saw the best World Cup, Mexico 1970 and the best team (Brazil)/and player (forward line Jairzinho, Gerson, Tostao, Pele, Rivelino) plus classics in West Germany in 74 (Johan Cruyff , Franz Beckenbauer) and tickatape Argentina 78 (Mario Kempes et al). A dream period that I like to think I was aware of at the time?

Moving on...

I hope my words come across as an honest appraisal of our performance in the Euros rather than a negative diatribe, although I grow more cynical with each passing year. The phrase "lessons learned" has to be one of the more irritating comments that's re-gurgitated after every defeat, closely followed by "fine margins". We must be slow learners after FIFTY-FIVE years! Excuses given, apply to ALL National teams...

  • They're under great pressure
  • The expectancy level is very high (why I don't know!)
  • They're tired
  • Injuries
  • Suspensions
  • Tactics
  • Manager
...etc etc

Like every Englishman I want to see us win something. For me, this was undoubtedly our best ever chance. Home advantage (all games except one at Wembley); favourable draw; elite teams not at their strongest...including Italy.

A few examples of a familiar pattern from the past...

World Cup 1970 England 2 West Germany 3. We were 2-0 up when Alf Ramsey took Bobby Charlton off to "save him". Granted we did have bad luck with Gordon Banks illness.

World Cup 1998 England 2 Argentina 2 (Lost on penalties). After Micheal Owen's wonder goal we sat back struggling to maintain possession (sound familiar). Granted we were down to 10 men after David Beckham got sent off.

Euro 2000 England 2 Portugal 3. We got off to a flier (like last night) only to throw away a 2 goal lead to a Figo inspired team.

Euros 2016 England 1 Iceland 2. Again off to a flier with a Wayne Rooney 4th minute penalty. What followed was arguably the worst of the lot as we couldn't put three passes together!

See a pattern? That's enough, I'm feeling queasy.

Despite all the fine words and statesmanlike comments has anything really changed after watching last night's game? We started well scoring a great goal, then slowly but surely retreated to try and "hang-on" for the rest of the Final. Is that we we want to watch? Not me! Can we really say that was entertaining? Some will say who cares as long as we win. Fair enough...but we play like that and lose!!

For me we should let the opposition worry more about us. By being more positive and taking the game to the opponent (in a controlled way) you lift the crowd and put them under pressure by making them uncomfortable. We have the talent we just didn't us it. TWO forwards in a Final at home?! Would any other elite team start with such a negative line-up? It sends out the wrong message and encourages the opposition.

We've always played in moments but they're few and far between. International Football at the elite level relies on controlling midfield, we are sadly lacking here. It doesn't help when we had two against 3 quality Italians. This was compounded by the fact they can't receive, turn and create. We were chasing shadows after half-time and the goal was inevitable. Southgate should have reacted to that.

No-one can critisize the desire and attitude of the players, they seem a good set of lads with big hearts and their behaviour has been exemplary. For me it comes down to the tactics and how you react "in game". We didn't do that. It's VERY tiring chasing the ball for long periods. The players need help from the coaching staff. The Italians didn't mess about changing their players, bringing off some star names when they were "done".

I must admit that by the time it got to the lottery of penalties I was somewhat blase about the proceedings...maybe an age thing! I'd watched us sit back passively, kicking the ball anywhere at times, not being able to string passes together. No excitement, just desperation.  Not the actions of a cup-winning team.

Then, we lost on penalties, again, after all the talk of how we were going to deal with them! Bringing young players on last thing when their first touch is going to be to take a penalty of that a BIG ask!!

Life is all about grabbing the opportunity when it arises. We didn't and the circumstances of 2021 will not come around again. Pains me to say it ain't coming home...

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