
Tuesday 13 July 2021

Back 2 Birds

I spent a couple of hours watching from the Sewage this afternoon. The weather is still unsettled with a moderate Northerly and overcast sky. Things are promised to improve tomorrow as a High moves in. I managed a couple of Year Ticks as a couple of Whimbrel (P.117, H.110) flew South and 11 Sandwich Terns (P.118, H.111) including 6 juveniles were resting on the beach. The highlight though was an adult Gannet flying low over my head along the Cliff! There was a raft of Common Scoter (oh for a Velvet) on the sea to the North and c30 Teal flew South. The beach held 6 Sanderlings, a Dunlin, 3 Oystercatchers and 11 Sandwich Terns (6 juveniles).

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