
Saturday 8 May 2021

Write off!

The forecast predicted 100% rain today. As I start to write at 10am it's spot on! It's Global Big Day so I guess it depends what the weather is like where you are...or not! Personally I'm wimping out. No fun in my book tramping round in heavy rain and strong wind! I'll "do one" when the conditions are more favourable. I could have done a "Big Sit" at Duff I guess but recent circumstances preclude this situation.

Instead I'm having a catch up on the "Old Thunderer" adding some recent records to my Bird Recorder database on my old know that story. I always have everything crossed as I'm firing it up but it's ready for action now. I won't bore you with personal statistics but I like to have a day with it active every month and today is perfect. It also gives me an opportunity to reflect on the Year so far...albeit briefly. Some highlights...

Pink-footed Geese - never tire of overhead skeins
Barnacle Goose - a stray in the centre of the Village
Goosander - a nice male flew South
Great-crested Grebe - a couple on the sea were a good record
Dunlin - c30 over the house last night was definitely noteworthy
Hen Harrier - ringtail at Old Hive
WHITE-TAILED EAGLE - an amazing second record with a little help...and luck
Wheatear - TWENTY birds in view one evening after a field was tilled was a marvellous sight!
Black Redstart - a nice winter find at Old Hive
Brambling - a nice find on the feeder
Snow Buntings -  a few flocks brightening up many a Winter's day

Also a word for our local specialities. Always appreciated...

Grey Partridge
Stock Dove
Marsh Harrier
Barn Owl
Sand Martin - breeding
Corn Bunting

Golden Oriole - a stunning male

North Duffield
Little Ringed Plover - a result of the renovated scrape
Black-tailed Godwit - superb in their summer dress
Great White Egret


The irony of the NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD saga beggars belief...or does it...coupled with the fact it has now re-appeared in Northumberland! I won't be re-visiting this particular'll be pleased to hear.


I had a late result last night when I added a "Garden Tick" whilst watching the match in the bedroom. A tight group of small birds flashed past the window and over the Cottage. Initially, I thought Starlings but that opinion soon changed when I realised they were Dunlins (74)!

A few birds I haven't seen in Texas are present at the moment but certainly NOT available! These include a First for the State in the form of a Limpkin. This species is a Florida speciality but has roamed west to Louisiana, occuring on a few occasions in the New Orleans area. Other rare birds present on my wanted list are...

Black-whiskered Vireo - South Padre Island
Mourning Warbler - Warbler Woods, San Antonio

Maybe next year?

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