
Friday 7 May 2021


Early start this morning as I'd promised Haydn I'd spend some time with him on his beloved Skipwith Common (aka Skippy). I'd planned to go over for the day and couple the visit with Duff but a late appointment at the hospital this afternoon for Louise, put an end to that...hence the early start. I arrived at 7 and joined Haydn for the tour.

The main target was Grasshopper Warbler. It had been quite a few years since I'd seen/heard one in breeding habitat (I'd seen the odd migrant at Spurn...which sometimes offered the chance of being something...rarer).

I discovered Haydn's hearing was better than mine as he could pick the bird up reeling, while I heard nothing. 23 years in a Sports Hall (not continuously) has obviously taken its toll! Anyway, eventually he picked it up low down in a small bush, although it was some distance away. We then saw it fly (which was nice) and then it was gone.

We spent the next hour walking a circuit through flooded peat bog. Miraculously I didn't fall over! 
Garden Warbler was another bird I was keen to see and we eventually had a brief view and heard its "Blackcap-like" song. Then a smart Jay appeared. We'd heard a Cuckoo many times, then there it was, typically losing its balance on a distant tree. We then had a second "go" at the "Gropper". Again Haydn picked up the sound then expertly located the bird deep in a bush...very impressive...

My time was nearly up and as we reached my car a Woodlark struck up its lovely song high in a nearby conifer...

It then gave us the added bonus of a prolonged display flight, going way up high above its territory...

A great morning with some quality species seen, Great company as well. Cheers Haydn!

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