
Wednesday 24 March 2021

Swings and Roundabouts

Today started well, VERY well! I made the walk down to Old Hive enjoying the superb song of the Skylarks and the parachute displays of the Meadow Pipits. I went through the copse and was walking up to Cliff Farm when  a special bird materialised above the cliff. Pretty regular during the winter on the Humber but to find one along the coastal path was brilliant. It certainly woke me up! A couple of images to give a flavour of the sighting...

Hen Harrier (P.75, H,74)

All those barren minutes of the last few days seemed to instantly fade away! It didn't linger, yet I didn't see it leave!?

On the return walk, I logged 4 Dunlin, 2 Curlew and an Oystercatcher. A lone Cormorant also flew North. Things were going well. Still no migrants, although Richard pipped me with our first Sand Martin. Wheatears have arrived to the North but none were found here.

As I reached Seaside Rd I did a final check of the sea. A few RTD present on a calm sea. I then picked up something that looked "smaller". It was swimming fast North and performing frequent dives. Eventually I caught up with it and to my delight, it turned out to be a Great Crested Grebe (P.76, H.75)...

This was only my second record, following another bird on the sea, also in March (26th) 2012. A couple of quality editions to the Year List then. That Wheatear must be on the way...?

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