
Monday 22 March 2021

Putting the Miles in

Lovely day today. Plenty of sunshine, little wind and bone dry ground. Pity the birds didn't turn up! There were some moments of note though. 

Firstly, time to pay homage to the garden birds. 4 Greenfinches on the feeders were new, as was this Coal Tit... 

Fortunately it decided to eat the sunflower seeds on a branch rather than dash off. as on previous days...

Great to have around...

The Tree Sparrows (10) are regular and not to be taken for granted...


...nor the Wood Pigeon (4 regulars)...

...or the humble Dunnock (5 present)...

4 Robins have been present all Winter...

Finally the Goldfinches (14) continue to entertain...

Further afield, I saw my first singing Reed Bunting in the clifftop scrub...

More Skylarks and Meadow Pipits are appearing and their was an obvious (even to me) passage of Pied Wagtails this afternoon on my walk along the Cliff with at least 20 birds making their way North. Quite a few resting on the cliff face. A kettle of 5 Buzzards enjoying the sunshine over the Village was a fine sight.

To square things up I had three Eiders (P.74, H.73) North on Saturday. The Stonechat seen on Friday evening didn't linger...

18 Whooper Swans landed on Beacon Ponds this morning. Unfortunately they headed west up the Humber instaed of North along the Coast. Still hoping...

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