
Saturday 14 September 2024

PFG on the way

Still waiting for my first squadron of Pink-footed Geese. They'll be worth waiting always. Had an hour on the bench on Seaside this morning looking North to no avail. The area is looking a picture now the crops have been collected. Golden fields in crisp Autumn sunshine

The male Redstart duo have lingered for some time...

At Dusk

...but no sign today. I did have a couple of visitors to the Bird Bath...


Decent images through the double glazing!

I've done some Birding on the Humber this week checking out few spots. Highlights were Great White Egret 

and my first Brent Geese (4) of the Autumn...

2 Marsh Harriers performed well, if distantly...

Thursday evening there was a decent passage of Sooty Shearwaters North past Spurn. I had an hour but they must have passed further usual! An Arctic Skua close in was nice...

Time for another scan of the joy.

Tuesday 10 September 2024


 A whirlwind week!

Birds only being a part of it should be. My son Robert was over from Dubai for a much anticipated and welcome visit with his new Girlfriend Mariane. On Friday I had the day out with them and we ended up at Bempton after a wonderful Fish and Chip lunch at my namesake establishment at Hornsea! Highly recommended.

We'd had a drive over the Humber Bridge earlier in bright sunshine but as we climbed out of Bridlington I could see the dreaded "sea fret" approaching.Anyway we carried on and parked up in the main car park. They wrapped up and we headed for the Cliffs...and Fog! Fortunately we could see the Cliffs which was a big relief as I wanted Mariane to see them! 

We enjoyed a worthwhile couple of hours and saw many Gannets...if little else which wasn't surprising considering the time of Year.

News had broken on Friday of a summer plumage Red-breasted Flycatcher at Spurn. Obviously tied-up Friday and Saturday morning, I considered a run down in the afternoon but due to the numbers down there due to the Mig-fest I declined. The Bird was still present Sunday, so I went down early afternoon  with the added pull of multiple Wrynecks in situ. However before my visit I checked out a few spots in the Village and located another Redstart...

There were still decent numbers present down the road but the general atmosphere was convivial and I was soon enjoying a Wryneck at the rear of Rose Cottage...

I searched the area between the Crown and Anchor and Church Field but I couldn't find the RBF.

Haydn made the trip out yesterday and I gave him a tour of my greater Patch. A Peregrine (P.125, H.102) at the Sewage was a good start and a surprisingly late Year Tick. We moved down to Easington and checked out the South side of the Gas Terminal around Vicar's Lane. Plenty of common Birds around, the highlight being 6 Yellow Wagtails close together on turf...

Then down to Sammy's where a couple of Whimbrel were present...

...and "a few" Mediterranean Gulls.

We finished off checking out the Humber before he left for home. A great day in excellent company.

This morning I was stimulated by news of a FEA'S PETREL heading North through Linconshire early doors. This would be a Lifer for me. I considered joining the troops at Spurn but took the brave/foolish? decision to try from the Village! I gave it a couple of Hours before admitting defeat. A belated report of a possible from Withernsea was intriguing, although I find it hard to believe it would have passed Spurn unnoticed?!

However my sit wasn't wasted, as I enjoyed my best ever spectacle of passing Martins. A conservative estimate would be c200 Sand and c400 House. last to me...

Tuesday 3 September 2024


 Buoyed by yesterday's success, I once again rose early and headed down Seaside to the Paddock. Surprisingly and unusually there was a small mixed flock halfway down feeding in the hedge and "rough stuff"...

Blue Tit 8
Great Tit 4
Willow Warbler 2
Blackcap male

Goldfinch 4
Chaffinch male

Nothing special but good sport.

On reaching the Cliff I started to scan. Almost immediately a Merlin (P.121, H.98) powered North offshore, possibly the Bird that Gavin had been seeing at the Sewage? I only had my bins but I could see enough including 2 Arctic Skuas (P.122, H.99) chasing a Sandwich Tern in the traditional way. 

On the way back more visible migration was noted in the form of Blackbirds (10), Robins (8) and Swallows (c50)...

A sample

After a coffee I left Bud for a nap and checked out another area. It was my lucky day...


Pied Flycatcher (P.123, H.100)

Both Species were seen immediately on arrival. I had to remind myself I was in Holmpton! As always plenty down the road BUT these were MINE!!! I wasn't going anywhere soon and settled down to enjoy the star duo. Both were elusive but in time (2+ hours) I managed some better photos...

Freshly Bathed

A/the Spotted Flycatcher was also present throughout and typically more obliging...

Point blank views of a female Sparrowhawk shooting through the bushes was a spectacular surprise! I left them in peace at 1.

An afternoon visit to Tesco was in order and I stopped of at the Sewage to enjoy a snack. Again this proved to be a good decision as I immediately heard a Whimbrel (P.124, H.101)! I scanned out to sea and picked it up heading North offshore. It never ceases to amaze me how far calls can travel...even to my ageing ears! I lost it behind the parked JCB but I could still hear it. Remarkably it had flown over my car and was heading West...inland. I just manged to grab a record shot through the window...

As I was leaving the earlier site I saw the Spotted Flycatcher sitting motionless on a snag at the back of the bush. It was in deep shade. I managed to get a focused pic through the bush and was amazed how well it turned out. These modern bridge cameras are truly amazing...

A great day.

Over to the LDV tomorrow to meet Haydn. A Skippy/Duff double is in order...

Monday 2 September 2024

Up with the Migrants?

The forecast of East in the wind plus an overnight thunderstorm had me up and out at dawn. Quite a surprise eh... especially for Bud!

In theory, it was promising. In reality it was underwhelming. Never expect... and all that.

After an hour of nothingness I bumped into Richard who had produced the same outcome. After a team talk he headed North and immediately found a Wheatear and a Whinchat, the latter tempted me through the stubble for a VERY distant view. Richard had it closer initially.

After returning home I had another effort to the South. I parked up and scanned a small area by the Cliff for some 30 minutes. Again nowt.

We were heading into Hull at 9.30. As I was leaving a small bird materialized in the top of the Sycamore. My camera had decided to change settings but I did manage a record shot before it disappeared...

Spotted Flycatcher (P.121, H.96)

I was really chuffed with this sighting. Patience paid off...this time! 

After our Hull visit which included lunch at the Pub we returned mid-afternoon. As we approached the Village on Snakey I spotted a lone Bird perched on top of the hedge...

I pulled over and had a scan (fortunately I had my gear with me). I had a feeling it was something "good". It was...

Whinchat (P.122, H.97)

I'm aware of my distant morning sighting but this felt more personal and conclusive!? It was also pleasing to have a record away from the Coast, my first on Snakey, I do believe. I guess it could have been the same Bird!?

My enthusiasm has been fired...