
Monday 1 July 2024

Inside Info - Always a Bonus!

News of a Black-winged Pratincole just outside the County at Finningley, Notts on Saturday got the Listing juices "sort of" flowing? There was one report from Potteric Carr...which is in Yorkshire.

A touch of dodgy detective work found me trying to figure out how close to the Border it was. I couldn't confirm the Boundary, so I retired on Saturday none the wiser. Early news on Sunday informed me the Bird was still present but I wasn't going to travel as I'd seen this Species elsewhere in Britain. I was still slightly uneasy as I wasn't familiar with this Site even using Google Satellite view.

7.39 Black-winged Pratincole, Finningley SOUTH YORKSHIRE!!!

My question was answered...VERY close!

Harry Hindsight kicked in. Could I have dug deeper for info? Maybe but being a private sort of chap with limited contacts I don't think so? Turns out the road along where the pools are is actually the Border! So basically it had flown North of the road and was now in Yorkshire! Oh dear I thought.

I grabbed my gear and headed West. Would it wait for me? Answer...No! A message at 9.15 informed me the Bird had flown back South of the Road and remained there all day before flying of South mid-evening. The Bird didn't return and hasn't been seen since.

Apparently a few made it but must have had early info from Birders on Site. Fair enough.

Years ago I set a target of trying to reach 500 for Britain and 400 for Yorkshire. I've lived long enough to achieve both. So I'm happy. I'll still give it my best shot for both Lists depending on circumstances but dipping doesn't sting these days. I've mellowed with age lol!

VERY quiet locally at the moment...

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