
Wednesday 5 June 2024

Holmpton Big Day

9am update 

I decided to narrow things down!

I started at 6. Sunny but a ridiculously cool 9c...feels like 6!!! I don't do "stupid'o'clock" these days...well, not often anyway.

Things going rather well. Early highlights on Bud walk down Seaside produced GSW, Blackcap, FulmarLesser Black-backed Gull and Song Thrush. There was a constant stream of Sand Martins North also.

Snakey was on form . My best sighting considering the crops was a lone Grey Partridge tucked in a field margin. Other notables were Heron, Marsh HarrierBuzzard Greenfinch and Yellowhammer.

Just added House Sparrow at Cliff Farm. Time for a Seawatch.

Total 37

Stay tuned...

1pm update 

Things have inevitably slowed down somewhat...and that's putting it mildly! I've added Great Tit, Starling and a lone Black-headed Gull on the remaining Snakey pool. The wind has picked up...yet again and the Sea is...dead.

Quite a few glaring omissions, so plenty still to "go at"

Stay tuned...

Total 40

5pm update 

The hoped for "Rarity" (contextually) appeared...and promptly disappeared South at 3pm in the form of a Red Kite! It was accompanied by c10 Swifts. I celebrated with a quick visit to Tesco. While having a bite in a layby I had a quick scan out to Sea and "jammed" a Gannet.

A return home for Bud coincided with the startling sight of a Heron on our back fence as I put the rubbish out. As I caught sight of it, it took off and flew low over my head!! A stroll down to the Sea notched Kestrel and a couple of Sandwich Terns.

Can I break 50? Bet you're on the edge of your seat!?.

Total 46

Stay tuned...

9.45 pm update 

A surprise Lesser Whitethroat started the evening session off well. I made my way down to Old Hive hoping for and succeeded in seeing...Meadow Pipit and Reed Bunting. So... one to go. Gone 9 now, so into Owl territory. I tried my go to Little site yet again but no joy. Onto Snakey for Barn Owl. Again no joy...but wait...another Site helped me out with Little for my half-century!

A really enjoyable day, despite the unfavorable Weather. I'll put some meat on the bones tomorrow...

Total 50

Tuning out...

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