
Sunday 26 May 2024

Great Reed Warbler - York Area #241

Yesterday I awoke to news of a GRW at Bank Island, LDV. This made the day preparations a tad more swift than usual as it was a potential addition to my York Area List. It was indeed a 1st for the area.

After Bud's exercise I set off and arrived at BI just after 10. Haydn was already in the Hide with a few other hopefuls. He told me he'd just missed it. The other hopefuls drifted away and Haydn left around 11.30. I gave it till 1, I heard it...BUT didn't see it...

I succumbed to a Chip Butty in Selby at Mr C's...surprise, surprise, risky I know but I needed a break and besides I was hungry. Of course, as I was eating it in a lay-by, news came has been seen again!! Schoolboy error.

I arrived back at the car park to be greeted by Duncan Bye and a young Birder with big grins on their faces. I returned to the First Hide and continued my vigil... 

One of the Birders from the morning has also returned plus a couple of new faces. We got brief snatches of song intermittently but we couldn't SEE it.

It was obviously difficult to pinpoint the area the sound was coming from. Then, we had the Willows...

Willows beyond the scrape on the Riverbank

After 4+ hours, I suddenly felt much better!! The icing on the cake was a 5ish second circular flight view, which revealed the obvious size difference. Hints of Song Thrush?

Whilst waiting for a peek, I was entertained by (late) Whimbrel (2)...

...and Curlew...

Garganey (pr)

Little Ringed Plover...

Common Tern (4)...with Oystercatcher...both on nests...


and Kingfisher... the impressive scrapes. Wish I had something like this at Duff!

This cygnet was high on the Cuteometer also...

A great day...eventually!

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