
Monday 11 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Prospects

It's time...well nearly!

Fun with the modern world technology which is supposed to make things...easier!? Anyway we'll get there in the end...hopefully.

So..what to expect? Nothing really! Just a chilled Holiday enjoying what comes my way. I'll be covering all areas and trying to see as many Species as possible...and then there's the surprises...of course. It will be nice to renew old acquaintances and maybe make new ones. 

As a precursor, I thought I'd post a "possibles" List...for a bit of fun. Flicking through the FULL List below is a mixture of potential Cyprus Ticks of varying status...a random attempt...

Little Swift
Demoiselle Crane 
Little Bittern
Grey Plover
Arctic Skua
Great Black-headed Gull
Caspian Tern
Whiskered Tern
Short-toed Eagle
Lesser-Spotted Eagle
Booted Eagle
Montagu's Harrier
White-throated Kingfisher
Tree Sparrow
Lesser Short-toed Lark
Buff-bellied Pipit
Red-fronted Serin

...and hopefully a MEGA or two!?

I'll be doing a daily write up of my exploits starting on Thursday evening, hopefully you'll join me for the ride...

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