
Monday 5 February 2024


Had a few Hours out with Phil yesterday. We met up at Stone Creek but it was VERY quiet...unfortunately. He did add Barn Owl to his Year List. After the required Chip Butty in Patrington, we headed for Skeffling but again we were out of luck as the Whooper Swans were absent. We did see a pair of Pintail on the edge of the mud, which was unusual and a Year Tick for Phil. A lone Little Egret gave us a decent view...

We then cut through to Holmpton via Out Newton, on the way I caught sight of a lovely Male Marsh Harrier. I just managed a record shot through the car window after finding a pull-in...

Phil wanted to try for the Little Owl/s, so we detoured and got lucky...

Finally we checked Snakey for Partridges but yet again we weer out of luck. However, I did find a flock of a dozen Yellowhammers (P.79, H.49) which was unusual at this location. I managed to catch one in the stubble...

A Beacon in the gloom.

Richard had a Shorelark and a couple of Snow Buntings South of the Village this morning. I'll have a look on Wednesday when the wind dies down. Duff tomorrow...

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