
Saturday 24 February 2024


For a "grumpy old git" I always try to be positive...well nearly always! It can be hard at times...especially on the umpteenth day of the latest "Monsoon". 

However, yesterday was different. Car problems are persisting on both vehicles BUT hopefully they will be resolved next week. Anyway that's our problem/s.

We set off around 11 in the replacement car and after some Lunch in Hull, Louise dropped me off in the Car Park at NDC at 2. I didn't try for the American Wigeon at Bubwith Bridge due to the circumstances. This gave me a 3 hour window before she returned from some retail therapy at the Designer Outlet.

A Birder was already in the Hut and he informed me he thought he'd had a female Scaup. He may well have but I couldn't find it during my visit, although there was a deceptive "Scaup-faced" Tufted present?

Levels still high!!!

As you can see the Riverbanks are just visible, allowing Birds to rest. I scanned the near Bank for quite a while and it paid off as I found my FOY Oystercatchers (59)...

A lone Snipe confirming its incredible camouflage...

...and a pleasing group of 10 Redshank...

Curlews have increased still further with c 50 now present...

More than I was expecting and all enjoyed in superb conditions. Just the job after a difficult week. I then caught sight of something landing below the Hide...

Here's where it was...a Barn Owl (60)!!! By the time I raised my camera it was a way...unfortunately. Still, I managed a few snaps, as it lingered a while before departing...

Little Grebes have now increased to 4...they're getting very vocal now and have paired up...

3 Shelducks made their way North along the River...

It was now 4.15, so I had around 30 minutes left. I started to scan further North looking for Raptors and I found a cc Marsh Harrier. The light was fading but I picked out a Goose in flight with a VERY distinctive wing pattern? I was confident of the ID but it was only in view for a few seconds and I wanted another look if possible. Fortunately after around 15 minutes it appeared again on the deck and came down to the water's edge for a drink...

Egyptian Goose (61) at c1 mile

Only my 3rd record after single Birds in March 2011 and May 2021. It looked better through the scope...just!

One last look...

VERY relaxing

I packed up and headed back to the Car Park. A charm of 10 Goldfinches (62) flew over. Louise hadn't arrived yet, so I watched the Meadow from the Gate as the sun made a welcome last show...

Memories came flooding back from over the 38 Years, especially regarding my 4 GSD's, who all enjoyed this place. The Barn Owl made one last pass...maybe a sign from my previous lads...

A special afternoon...

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