
Thursday 29 February 2024

Not Quite Duff

After the car "fun" (both situations now resolved...hopefully) I needed a day out. So after exercising Bud I left at 6.30 for NDC. I'd arranged to meet Haydn at Bubwith bridge at 9 to look for the American Wigeon. After the obligatory Greggs Bacon Sarny and Latte at Howden, I was surprised to find myself ahead of schedule as I approached Bubwith. I then had an idea and rang him to see how far away he was. He was nearly at Duff so I asked him if he fancied going to Skipwith first to look for Woodlark. He'd told me previously they were already "back" and there's no-one better at locating them.

He jumped in my car and we headed to "Skippy". On arrival he could hear one immediately...I couldn't!  We walked a short distance and he pointed upwards through the trees. There was a Woodlark fluttering c100 yds above us. Very impressive!!

It was impossible to photograph through the trees and we hoped it would eventually descend into the field. Thankfully after around 10 minutes it did. We scanned the area where it landed but we couldn't see it amongst the furrows. Eventually I picked it up and got my photo...

A great start!

We returned to the car park at Duff, Haydn jumped in his van and we headed for Bubwith Bridge. Again we parked up and started to scan South from the West side. I regularly pass this spot but my "Patch paranoia" means I rarely stop! Today was the perfect day to correct this. The scene was spectacular with Wildfowl and Waders aplenty. Conditions were favourable with little wind and thin cloud. Almost immediately we witnessed a cloud of Waders...

Black-tailed Godwits and Dunlin

An unusual sight in this area...especially in such February! Whooper Swans have been thin on the ground at NDC this Winter and when they do occur they're usually distant. So when this individual drifted by it was an opportunity not to be missed...

An impressive flock of Golden Plover (c120) then descended onto the temporary island. Ruff (10) and Redshank (6) were also represented. No joy with the AW.

We then decided to try another spot East of the River accessed through Bubwith Village... 

On arrival we set our stall out and scoped the large flock of European Wigeon. We gave it a good hour but alas it wasn't to be. Haydn left for home and I headed for Mr C's in Selby.

After the Chip Butty I headed for NDC and had a pleasant if quiet couple of hours in the company of Barry Bishop. I feel refreshed...

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