
Monday 26 February 2024

Long-tailed Duck - Revisited

After "getting my tick" 11 days ago at Castle Howard...

A fine Building

...I was still hoping to "get my pic" of the 8th York Area LTD. Today I had the opportunity to try...despite continuing car issues! The V70 was back on the breakdown truck by 9am...heading to a different Garage I hasten to add. I loaded up Louise's Kia substitute and headed for Hull. After a frustrating journey behind a "Convoi Exceptional" all the way to the M62 I finally arrived at Howden, having also driven through a hailstorm. Things could only get better but of course they didn't. The joys of modern car warning lights now kicked in and a couple of stops for dubious tyre pressure issues put me further behind schedule.

Finally I arrived at CH around 1! Things have changed around here with the car park and footpath no longer present. I was aware of this but it meant a longer walk from Coneysthorpe...once I'd found somewhere to park. I got the definite impression strangers weren't welcome in this area.

I made my way up onto the now overgrown dam footpath and at last, I was Birding!! Thankfully the Weather had improved and it was now a lovely afternoon. I walked the path to the end by the gate but I couldn't see the Duck. There were around 20 Goldeneye and c60 Tufted Ducks. Other Species present included Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon and Mallard. A couple of dubious origin Barnacle Geese were also present?

As I retraced my steps another Birder appeared with the same intentions. We decided to split up and walk the path in opposite directions. Within a minute he was waving to me...he'd found it! 

No award winner BUT I've learnt over the Years to get soon as you can. This was borne out, as when we moved down the path it had disappeared and we couldn't locate it in the next 15 minutes? I decided to have another walk down the path towards the gate...

Around 3/4 of the way down I spotted it out in the middle. It seemed to be swimming my way!

I retreated to the bushes along the path and waited...and waited. Sadly I figured out it dived for c30 seconds, which allowed me to work my way down the path without disturbing the Bird. It paid off...eventually. A series of postures and poses...

The journey home was a nightmare also BUT it didn't matter. The middle part of my day was brilliant!!!

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