
Tuesday 20 February 2024

Garden Tick!

Yesterday's visit to Duff consisted of a couple of hours in the hut...not this one...

Garganey Hide

You know my thoughts on location. 

Plenty of aerial action with huge numbers of Lapwings spiralling over the flood making a fabulous spectacle. Limited action IN the water with a couple of Little Grebes still close to the Hide. I checked the Wigeon but nothing from the New World.

I'd borrowed the good lady's ve-hi-cle (as they say in Texas) and had to pick her up in Hull at 3, so I had 30 minutes by Bubwith Bridge searching for said Wigeon. I wasn't 100% sure of the location of yesterday's sighting, so I rang Elaine and she kindly came down to show me. No sign unfortunately. I finished off on the East side of the Bridge. A Birder was "in situ"... turned out to be Chris Gomersall! We scanned for a while longer in the strong wind but couldn't locate it. We enjoyed some unusually close views of Pochard though...

Of course, as I reached Hull he tweeted he'd found it South of the Bridge!! I'm still hopeful it will end up at NDC?

Today started extremely well. As I was sat in the lounge I caught sight of a Raptor over the hedge. Buzzards are seen regularly BUT this wasn't no Buzzard. I surprised myself by grabbing the camera quickly enough to obtain a "record shot" as it disappeared over the trees...

Red Kite (8.40)

I know you would've believed me? An excellent Patch (80) and Village Year Tick (52) and an even better "Garden" (83) Lifer! Only my third record for the Village.

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