
Tuesday 9 January 2024

Year Ticks

 Added Turnstone and Dunlin at the Sewage yesterday afternoon. I also had a healthy flock of Lapwings on Snakey at one of the temporary "scrapes".

Year 33

There was a strong East Wind here today, so, after we'd had a rather tense and confusing conversation with HRMC (eventually resolved) , I needed some air, so I headed for the Duff! I arrived at 1 and had a 3 hour sit. Nothing spectacular seen...except the flood...

Species added...all singles except GP.

Marsh Harrier  cc 
Red Kite
Golden Plover c200

Pied Wagtail
Reed Bunting

I also notched a record "group" in the form of 11 Herons at the North end of the Reserve...

Year 43

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