
Tuesday 2 January 2024

NDC Debut

Horrendous day weather-wise, so I headed for the Hut. The rain was relentless throughout my 4 hour visit, which obviously affected viewing...

Less than inspiring!

A pair of Little Grebes braved the open water just in front of the Hide...

Unsurprisingly Raptors were at a premium with a flyby Sparrowhawk the only Species recorded. The river bank was just about keeping its head above water allowing some of the c500 Lapwings to rest, c40 Dunlin were also seen in flight, as were 4 Whooper Swans heading North. 

I estimated around 40 Pintail in small groups at the Northern end of the Reserve. I'd been chatting with a female Birder from York for a while, when she spotted a couple of Ducks over by the River. She only had Binoculars so she asked me to have a look through my scope...

2 Drake Scaup

A quality sighting to kick the Year off. I thanked her and let her have a look through the scope. Shortly after she left a young Birder appeared. He'd travelled down on his Bike!! He inquired about the Scaup  and fortunately they were still in the same area.

I left at 2.30 as the rain became even heavier. Good to get out though.

33 Species logged

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