
Saturday 6 January 2024


Yesterday's Birding started at Skeffling with an attempt to see the Twite flock that has been present there for a while. I eventually had a brief bobbling view from the car park but this was less than satisfactory. A decent group of Brent Geese were present briefly but no Black Brant. A small flock of Swans contained a couple of Whoopers. I then spent some time scoping the Estuary and this paid off when I counted some 60 Pintail at mid-distance. I added a few Species of common Waders to the Year List, including a few Bar-tailed Godwits.

I then moved onto Pat' Haven and added a few more including my first Marsh Harrier...

...and a flock of 11 Little Egrets in a nearby flooded field (there's plenty of those at the moment!)...

A flock of 10 Gadwall was another pleasant surprise.

This morning I headed down to Stone Creek...via Greggs at Hedon! The forecast fine morning didn't materialize, so I left and headed back to Patrington Haven on my way home. I did see a Barn Owl. I walked Bud over the drain and immediately saw the distinctive shape and behaviour of my first Stonechat of 24...

I returned home via Snakey. Halfway along I noticed some Patridges behind a hedge...

Grey...14 of 16. A record count

I also managed my first Barn Owl of the Year. I've updated my Lists and Totals...

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