
Sunday 1 October 2023


You know the Story!

It's still there on Tiree BUT I'm not...yet. The balance of probabilities is is the Bank version! Scarce news on an isolated Island. A chance sighting yesterday with no further updates. I made a few enquiries and the finder and my pal Tim Dixon helped with further details.

I booked for tomorrow with an option to cancel up to 24 hours before departure. Trouble was the news didn't come through in time this morning but I managed to hang in there...and it paid off...maybe?

A quick look online revealed there were spaces on this afternoon's flight (hindsight strikes again) but time would have been limited and an overnight stay would be necessary? After declining the YELLOW -BELLIED FLYCATCHER due to COVID, at least I'll get an Island tick!

Bottom line, I'm on tomorrow morning's flight from Glasgow at 8.50. Wish me luck...

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