
Saturday 28 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 15...Update!

Better late than never.

My 4th GREY-CHEEKED THRUSH for Scilly. 

Full Summary on return...

Monday evening...A bit more...

The GCT story started pre-dawn on Friday as I reacted to late information Thursday regarding a sighting of a Catharus sp at Lower Moors...there was photographic evidence. I arrived on the track at 7am...there was no-one there? By 7.30 there were 6 present including the finder Elliot. He showed me exactly where he saw the Bird. Dick Filby and friend were there, as was Kris Webb aka "Spider" I gave it a good hour but there was no sign of the Bird. We had to be out of the Flat by 9.30 so I returned to help Louise.

Around 11 I left her to read and returned to the same area but had a walk along to Porthloo to try for Sanderling. No sand but plenty of fresh Seaweed...hence no Sanderling for the Trip List. Phone reption is patchy on Scilly, so the radio is a BIG help and it came in handy yet again when the dulcet tones of Dick Filby rang out once more...


I was FIVE minutes away!!! On arrival I was surprised to see around 30 Birders already present. The Bird was on view fairly distantly and intermittently...

A strange setting!

I saw a few Birders moving around to the adjacent track s I followed them round. Unfortunately the Bird flew into the hedge before I got to the gate they were viewing from. After around 15 minutes it reappeared and eventually gave great views albeit into the sun...

This was my 4th record of this Species on Scilly, following Birds seen in 1991, 2002 and 2008. So, I'd finally got my American "fix"for the Trip, better late than never! Still a MEGA in my book.

After lunch I managed to add Spoonbill, Brambling and Yellow-browed Warbler to bring up the Ton for the Trip.

I'll do a Summary later in the week...

Trip Total - 100 Species

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