
Tuesday 26 September 2023

Autumn 23 - the story so far

Not bad!!!!!!

STILL recovering to be honest. I covered some ground to be fair...solo. Things are STILL lively and it's still September! The "Superstars" are lingering, as they tend to do in Autumn. All still present...except the PHILADELPHIA VIREO. I'd love to try for the NORTHERN PARULA on Scilly BUT Storm Agnes (how appropriate) is hurtling towards the Archipelago as I write.

Today...a BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER has joined the Party on Shetland.

News this evening of an "unidentified" American Bird on Scilly? El Nino is definitely having an effect. A perfect Year to do a Big One as Sandy Komito figured out when attempting an ABA one. The usual Shetland/Scilly banter online which I stay well clear of. I had to laugh when a picture of the large crowd at the BW was captioned with "more Birders here than on the whole of Scilly". Firstly, that would be hard to prove and secondly that suits me fine.

ANY MEGA will obviously attract a large crowd BUT Islands have less Birders than the Mainland and Scilly has less than Shetland. Also more chance to "find your own" in a MUCH smaller area. I live in hope!

As exciting as this unprecedented influx is...a word of warning...especially to the younger element. Gobbling them all up can have repercussions in later life. I'm trying to balance things as I near 67. The problem is...I don't know how long I've got left...then again who does!?

I strive for quality experiences. A memorable adventure with a top Bird at the end of was my visit to Ramsey Island for the BAY-BREASTED WARBLER. Unfortunately the CANADA WARBLER experience was the opposite end of the spectrum. An unavoidable circumstance.

I hope there are more of the former than the latter in the future...

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