
Saturday 26 August 2023

Here and There

Steady week but always something of interest in this wonderful pastime. 

Remarkable numbers of Gulls, TernsWaders (in flight) and Auks offshore at the moment providing constant entertainment. I also popped over to Duff for a few hours yesterday...

Path cleared

...and added Mistle Thrush to the Year List (98). I messaged Haydn to see if he was about; he was on Skippy (there's a shock) so I decided to join him...

The Heather looked a picture

We did have a stroll down Sands Lane but nothing of note was seen, although we did hear a close by Green Woodpecker briefly. He mentioned that his main aim this Autumn was to add Whinchat to his Life List for the Common. Guess what...this morning he found one...

He also had a Redstart...

and a Spotted Flycatcher...

Inland Patch Birding at its best and just reward for all his hard work. About time I found some migrants here! Starting tomorrow...

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