
Thursday 3 August 2023

Tern Around

No self-respecting Blogger would miss an opportunity to use a Tern pun...would they? First venture out along the Cliff since the Monsoon abated. North to the second Pill it was, through the ripening Wheat. There was even a hint of something Blue in the Sky! Fortunately the tide was way out exposing a large expanse of pure sand...

It looked better in Reality!

There were a large number of the regular Gulls of different ages loafing on the Beach which made this lone adult Lesser Black-backed stand out...

I could hear the far carrying call of Sandwich Terns...but I couldn't see any close in. A flock of 18 Oystercatchers sped South. close in, low over the waves. We had a break at the second Pill Box before starting to retrace our steps...carefully!

Further scanning of the beach revealed some smaller "blobs" on the tide line. Some are just that BUT a small cluster promised more...

Common Terns

Then some larger ones...

Sandwich Terns (8)

A few more Common appeared totalling eight also. Signs of "Autumn".

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