
Tuesday 15 August 2023


For completeness! Last night...

20.34: Isles Of Scilly RED-FOOTED BOOBY on Bishop Rock Lighthouse

This one was easy? A none starter due to current circumstances. Obviously disappointed but I can handle it...I'll have too lol! Again, I'm writing this as a kind of therapy as I did when initially dipping the BLACK-SHOULDERED KITE. That one ended well...maybe this one will...but I'm out of the crazy game till next week?

A few appointments and a large German Shepherd are commitments I'm happy to honour. The Big Man has turned 12 now and he's wobbling a his owner! He's still to strong for Louise and I'm reluctant to bung him in the Kennels, not that there'd be a space in August.

As I write the bird is still on the Lighthouse which means it would be a day twitch...enhanced by a FEA'S-type PETREL...which I also still "need"! Never mind!

There...that's out of my system. Just thought I'd share that with you!!


On a local level, I added Black-tailed Godwit (H.110) and Arctic Tern (P.129, H.111) to the Year List yesterday evening....and this afternoon a decent number of dapper Oystercatchers went South, close off shore (c200) and included 3 Bar-tailed Godwits (H.112)...

...and a Redshank...

Always check every flock

A small group of Scoter (still haven't found a Velvet) rested on the sea...

...and there were a few Guillemots scattered about also. I also saw what was almost certainly the same Peregrine heading West down Seaside.

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