
Sunday 6 August 2023

Cattle Egret - York Area 237

You may (or may not) recall I recently totted up my York Area List at the request of Jono Leadley who's the "Big Cheese" over there these days. When I'd completed it, I was surprised at my Total...good fun though and some (mainly) great memories.

At the risk of seeming smug (would I?), the Species on the full list that stood out which I still "needed"... was Cattle Egret. A Bird had been present at Fairburn Ings for a while, so I was hoping it (or another) may stray further East?


13:55 North Yorkshire, Cattle Egret, Bolton Percy Ings

There you go...and I did! A nightmare journey through Hull ensued as the endless roadworks continue (to be fair it's usually not that bad). Myton Bridge is under repair so my (usually) trusty Google Maps sent  me an "interesting" route through some previously unexplored areas of this substantial City. Eventually I was on the A1079 heading for York. Having lived in the York Area for 26 years I like to think I have a good grasp of the local Geography. Yesterday I found out otherwise as I tried to negotiate the narrow, ridiculously winding minor roads around the SW of the City. Somehow I ended up at a large function in Copmanthorpe (usually trusty!). A quick re-route had me winding again towards Bolton Percy...hopefully?

Eventually I made it to Marsh Lane, the quality of the road deteriorating by the yard. I could see another car further down with its reverse lights on...I was thinking...Birder! We both eventually found a spot to park. I got my gear and introduced myself, sure enough it was a Birder called Dave Ward from Wakefield with the same idea.

I rang Jono and he confirmed we were in the right spot (always good to know). We scanned from a gateway which gave a decent view of the Ings although there were many mature trees obscuring some of the view. After 10 minutes we decided to split up. I tried another gate entrance which gave a slightly more open view of some of the water, although much of the Ings was still out of view over the field edge.  I scanned...Little Egret...Little Egret...CATTLE EGRET!!! 

I took a couple of record shots (always a good idea)...

THAT moment

I then alerted Dave who came promptly up the lane. We scanned again...but it was gone!? All over in a minute.

I helped Dave look for the Bird for quite a while but we couldn't re-locate it unfortunately. I wished him luck, then headed for home. The intense downpours I travelled through on my return emphasized my good fortune.

A brilliant twitching scenario. A difficult site - a re-location - a brief sighting - a quality addition. I much prefer this to a "turn up and all have a look"! Tough on Dave though. At time of writing it hasn't been seen again.


A bonus atmospheric evening image North of Seaside on the Dog Walk...

cc Marsh Harrier

Always take...

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