
Wednesday 12 July 2023

Songsters and Siblings

That time of Year. Quite a few Species striking up again in the Lane. Blackbird, Song Thrush, Blackcap, and Greenfinch... the local Pigeons and Doves of course! Fleeting glimpses of young birds that can sometimes cause confusion. None here at Filey Dams recently...

I have to admit topics are hard to dig out at this time of Year but I like to keep the old Blog rolling, as you know. Seabirds are starting to appear and returning Waders are picking up in numbers. My particular piece of coastline is still resembling Vietnam; coupled with the fact that the Cliff is cracked and crumbly which is a risky prospect with Bud...and yours truly to be honest!

I'm using the quiet period to transfer my records from the "Thunderer" to eBird. One of the benefits of modern technology, enabling me to have a mobile record of my sightings. Handy. I've enjoyed going back over the (many) Years (36) which has brought back many great memories...and a few dodgy ones! As a committed "eBirder" I enjoy the simplicity and ease of use of the programme. Having it "to hand" is a great benefit for checking records quickly. Having said that, I never use it to record whilst Birding, as I'm an Old School notebook man, still.

Things will pick up soon...

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