
Tuesday 18 July 2023


A tale of woe...BUT good therapy in the form of a post! Last night...

21.54 Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE Stubb Mill, Hickling

I've a lot going on at the moment, even though I'm retired. The main concern is Bud's leg. He's 12 now and I have to watch how much he does. What does this have to do with anything I hear you cry. Well, I'd have to take him with me BUT he doesn't sit down in the car, preferring to stand no matter how long the journey. So, an 8/9/hour round trip to East Norfolk just isn't...on. Depending on timing of news, in the past I've managed to get him in his Kennel for a day or so while I twitch but on this occasion it wasn't possible. He's far to strong for Louise to handle...still. Besides, she's working.

So, it was a No-No. Obviously disappointed BUT some things are more important than a tick...even a First (twitchable) for Britain.The bird remained till just before 10 before circling high and departing. Amazingly it was seen shortly afterwards further North at the Bee-eater site at Trimingham! This gave some hope of maybe getting another chance? This particular Species range is expanding Northwards; so, if I don't see this one, I may get another chance in the future...if I live long enough!

As you know I'm quite keen BUT some things are far more important. This is one of them...

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