
Monday 1 May 2023



A grand day out. More tomorrow...

A bit more...A message...

9.33 Northumberland GREY-HEADED LAPWING Low Newton-by-the-Sea

New one on me?

***Hold that thought***


Another message just now...

11.36 Pallid Harrier North along Beacon Lane

The Post will have to wait!!! I drove to the bottom of School Lane but then changed my mind and headed for Cliff Farm...just in time to see the Bird flying North over the House (memories of my second White-tailed Eagle sighting). Rather chuffed. A brief fingers and thumbs moment before I managed a record shot as it headed down towards Old Hive...

A BOC pic for more atmosphere!?

A fantastic moment after a virtually Birdless Dog walk. How the mood can change! Again, chuffed I reacted so I'd only just sat down after the walk. A quality Village addition...(191).


Where was I? Oh yes...the Lapwing. Never heard of it BUT I was leaning towards an attempt...Insurance? I didn't have time to weigh things up or research the Bird as every second can counts. I was going and let's see what develops as I travel. Made sense to me. A brief pit stop at Hull for a coffee before heading West along the A63/M62 to Ferrybridge and the A1 North. A brief chat with Steve Lawton at the stop meant he was "in" so I picked him up at Wetherby and we continued North. Thankfully the Bank Holiday traffic was kind and we reached Low Newton around 1.45. We found a parking spot and headed for the Site which was some 600 yds away...

A decent number of admirers were present but there was plenty of room for all. Thankfully the area was fenced off and the bird was feeding happily in the grass. A quick initial look through a Birders scope is always wise I never know! It relieves the tension!! My first view...

A bit of a surprise as it was the first time I'd seen the Bird!!! Have to say the head at first glance did suggest Pigeon...did I say that? It did have some positive was an elegant bird with long yellow legs (hints of White-tailed) and bill. It also looked lovely in flight (from photos) although we weren't fortunate enough to see this aspect. It suited the setting in the grass, the green background setting the Bird off nicely. We spent a good hour with the Bird before heading South again...happy...

There will no doubt be the usual debate on Provenance? Having had a quick dip into a few sources including eBird it seems there is a recent record of a Bird from 2019 on the "Near Continent" that did the rounds in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. I overheard that a record from Turkey (still a fair way off granted) has recently been accepted. Time will tell? 

Whatever the outcome, it was an exciting experience. 

...and yet...there's EVEN lucky readers! Mid-afternoon a message from Jayne informed me that the Little Owl (88) was showing at the Bunker. I sneaked a quick peep for a Year Tick. A couple of runs along Snakey hoping for a Yellow Wagtail...or something, produced a cc Marsh Harrier and a...Hobby (89)! My luck will run out soon...?

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