
Friday 21 April 2023

Spring Forward?

Still cool here but not quite as cool inland. Rain forecast so I headed for Duff where the hides provide insurance.

A FOY Willow Warbler (79) belting it out on the Platform path (despite the wind) was a good start.

The rain never materialised but a steady 3 hour session was highlighted by a passing Tern seen briefly heading steadily NE. I went for Common (80).

Nothing exciting on the water but more passage witnessed when 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (81) headed in the same direction 30 minutes later.

Other notables being...

Cormorant 7
Little Grebe (pair on scrape)
Whooper Swan (probably injured)
Little Egret
Swallow 8
House Martin 5

Had a nice chat with a chap called Peter about past records here and in the Valley. Even going back to the Summering Montagu's Harrier of 86!! Which I missed by a Year having moved to the region in 87. A showy Corncrake was also available at Wheldrake by Tower Hide the same Year! All our Yesterday's.

Duff 81

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